Dental veneers are thin, translucent layers less than 1 mm thick, contact lens type, which are permanently bonded over natural teeth. They can be made of composite resin (composite) or ceramic. Dental veneers allow correcting changes in shape, color and volume of teeth. This treatment makes it possible to achieve an excellent aesthetic result in a conservative manner, as it involves very little wear on the tooth enamel.
How does the placement of dental veneers work?
In a first consultation, an evaluation of each case is made. Through intra and extra-oral photographs, radiological exams and through molds or teeth scans, the ideal planning is made for each smile, according to the individual needs and expectations of the patient.
In a second appointment, the tooth surface is prepared, molds are made and temporary dental veneers are placed.
After 1 to 2 weeks, as a general rule, ceramic dental veneers are placed.
Do veneers need any special care?
After cementation, veneers require basic oral hygiene care and must be monitored and controlled by your dentist and oral hygienist, just like our natural teeth. Do they need any special care?
Are veneers resistant?
Despite their reduced thickness, dental veneers, once cemented to the tooth, are extremely resistant.
Ceramic Crowns
Dental crowns are fixed prostheses that cover the entire tooth and are cemented onto it. Crowns can also be screwed onto dental implants, mimicking and reproducing the characteristics of natural teeth. In addition to providing greater resistance to damaged teeth, crowns also improve their aesthetics. There are several materials to produce dental crowns, the most common being ceramic.