Implants are artificial devices placed inside the jaw bone. Through the placement of an implant it is possible to rehabilitate and replace lost teeth.


What are the steps for implant treatment?

In the diagnostic and planning consultation, a detailed evaluation of the clinical case is carried out. The general health condition of the patient will be evaluated to identify any pathologies or medication that may interfere with the treatment.

In the same consultation, the clinical evaluation is carried out and complementary diagnostic tests are carried out (study models, photographs, scanner, digital evaluation and specific radiographic examinations). The objective is to collect the appropriate information so that a complete diagnosis and planning can be carried out.

When possible, the treatment plan and clarification of doubts are presented in the same consultation, as well as a detailed explanation of all procedures.

Once the specific treatment plan has been defined, the implant placement surgery can proceed, which is completely painless and performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, crowns can be placed on the implants on the same day (immediate load/esthetics).


After extracting a tooth, how long should I wait to place an implant?

After extracting a tooth, wait for the alveolus (bone) to heal before placing an implant. The healing time will depend on several factors, however, in general, 12 weeks after the extraction, you can proceed with the placement of implants.


Is it possible to extract a tooth and place the implant and crown on the same day?

In specific cases, it is possible to extract the tooth and place the dental implant on the same day. Individual assessment of each case is necessary to determine local conditions.


Do implants experience “rejection”?

The implants do not undergo any “foreign body” type rejection process. Sometimes there are implant failures that can be explained by the existence of local or systemic factors. However, implants have very high survival rates.



I have little bone available Is it completely unfeasible to do a rehabilitation with implants?

Assessing bone availability is a fundamental step in implant planning. As a general rule, there are only a few complex clinical situations that can completely condition the placement of implants. Currently, there are predictable surgical techniques that allow bone regeneration to be performed simultaneously with or prior to implant placement. For each specific case, a complete and three-dimensional radiographic evaluation must be performed to determine the most appropriate technique.


Are implant placement surgeries painful?

Implant placement surgery is done painlessly under local anesthesia. The room where the surgery is performed must comply with sterilization standards in order to guarantee the asepsis of the entire surgical field. Depending on each case, specific medication may be started prior to surgery or just after surgery.


Do I need to do periodic maintenance of my dental implants?

Dental implants require continuous monitoring over time in order to monitor their health. The frequency of consultations should depend on the assessment of the individual case of each patient.